518.798.4277 FAX 518.798.9004

A Little about us

NORTHLAND GARDENS is a privately owned company that prides itself on its customer service, and its ongoing mission to provide the best knowledge we can to help you enjoy the multitude of horticultural products we sell. The business was founded in 1986 on the Tabor homestead where generations of the Tabor family have been born , raised and have worked the land since the late 1800,s.  We're located at the base of West Mountain in the beautiful Adirondack Park Preserve.

At NORTHLAND GARDENS we are known for our BONSAI CENTRE, which is filled with everything you need to enjoy the ancient art o f Bonsai. Our beautiful NURSERY, that offers hundreds of perennials, trees ,shrubs and evergreens plus so much more. Our WATER GARDEN section which is by far the most complete water garden SOURCE in the area, our WILD BIRD SHED which is stocked with all of your wild birding needs and of course our landscape design services. 
There are walk through gardens as well, for your enjoyment and education.
But most importantly we offer a knowledgeable staff of people who care...

When in upstate New York stop and visit.