Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper - Upright Styled Gallon Starter Pot
Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper - Upright Styled Gallon Starter Pot

Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper - Upright Styled Gallon Starter Pot

Your Price: $99.99
Upright Stylized Japanese Garden Juniper Gallon
Item Number: BS-JUN-04
A classic Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper in Gallon Plastic Starter Pot Stylized Upright; ready to prune, wire and pot-on into a ceramic pot.

Japanese Garden Junipers are widely used in the world of Bonsai for a variety of reasons. First and fore-most is it's tiny evergreen foliage on flexible, easy to shape branches. They naturally grow pro-straight or side-ways rather than upward. This means that any desired upward growth must be trained into the plant by means of staking or wiring. A second popular feature of the Garden Juniper is assuredly the plants ability to survive in a huge number of growing conditions, having only two strict requirements, those being 12 or more hours of light daily and a cool, well lit location in the winter months (below 50F at night).


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